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7 minutes
2023 - A Tale of Hope

Before we jump into the sizzle, check out the video. It’s like warming up your brain before we really get cooking. Trust me, a ready-to-go brain makes the whole reading experience tastier!

Just so you know, Amar was my past, present, and future. Amar is present in everyone, in you—who might be lost and confused—thus, I felt that addressing it might help someone at some point in the future.

So, Ever since I encountered with those tough times, which took away all I had, even my sense of self, it were actually molding me into someone better, I started getting into regular meditation. It was part of this whole transformation thing, helping me kick out all that negativity that had set up shop inside.

Start of meditation#

Back when I started meditating in school, I thought it was just something old folks did when they ran out of things to do. But then, life hit me hard. I felt totally left out, dealing with panic attacks and getting stuck in these gloomy phases where nothing seemed exciting or motivating. Depressed? I hope not. I had all these tasks and deadlines, but something was holding me back. I couldn’t bring my A-game even if I tried.

I was always so caught up in what I was doing that I never gave myself a breather to appreciate the now. You know, I often looked back and thought about how awesome my childhood was—no stress, just the simple task of packing my school bag.

So, I decided to give meditation a shot. At first, I thought it was all about breathing in, breathing out, counting my breaths. But my head was packed with a zillion thoughts while I was doing the whole “breathe in, breathe out” thing. It hit me that this wasn’t how it was supposed to go—I shouldn’t be thinking anything. So then, I started telling myself, “Stop thinking, Prabith! Focus, focus, focus!”

But guess what? That wasn’t working for me either. I realized that meditation isn’t about having zero thoughts. It’s more about watching those thoughts drift by without getting all caught up in them. I learned to notice them but not let them take over. It was like checking in on myself but with just a few thoughts at a time.

I kicked things off by listening to “omkara” through my AirPods, blocking out the world around me. Gradually, I got into a routine, 21 minutes every day as Abhiram Bhaiya said to meditate for the same time as your age, so that’s what I stuck to.

After a few months of meditating, man, I changed big time. I started seeing life differently. I began appreciating the small stuff, and those little things made me happy. A dude who used to lose his cool real quick? Well, I mellowed out a lot. I got emotionally stronger, learned to keep my feelings in check, and control what I did.

Work-life? That got way better too. Took Abhijit ettan’s advice and focused on one thing at a time, made me crazy creative and productive. Since I started meditating, I’ve been like 10x more productive. I finally started finishing those projects I left hanging for ages, one by one. Even got 5 research papers published, spoke at loads of international conferences about malware, offensive security, Medical-AI, and LLMs. And hey, got to team up with some genius minds in security and helped a couple of PhD scholars with their theses. and lot more…

Since I got into meditation, life’s been on another level. I feel way more content. Like, super peaceful. All those negative thoughts? Poof, gone. I’m all about living in the now, soaking up every moment.

And get this: I’ve started getting how my subconscious mind plays into everything through my conscious thoughts. It’s like unlocking this whole other layer of understanding myself. Meditation’s been the game-changer, no doubt.

So, here it is, meditation isn’t a religious practice, rather, think of meditation as a mental exercise that fine-tunes your brain. When you meditate, you’re training your mind to focus better, sort through thoughts, and dial down stress. It’s like hitting the refresh button for your brain, helping you concentrate on stuff and and enhance cognitive functions. Plus, it’s been shown to boost memory, improve sleep, and make you feel more zen overall. So, it’s not just sitting quietly; it’s actually flexing your brain muscles to feel calmer and more in control.

“So, if you’ve read this far, great job! Because someday, when you feel lost or confused, you’ll have a lifeline to rely on — mark my words.” Just remember:

If Shri Ram is in you, then Ravan is in you too,
Krishna in you also embodies Kamsa too,
Pandavas in you carry all the Kauravas too,
Mohini in you holds Basmasura too,
Durga in you encompasses Mahishasura too.

Positivity and negativity both exist within us. Recognizing the positivity allows us to grow and flourish, while acknowledging the negativity helps us work on improving ourselves.

“So, Go and grow with the flow.”

Baaki, jaise jiski soch.

Musafir hoon yahan#

Last year, I got to visit some amazing places! First up was Singapore. I went there for a event called Black Hat Asia. It was so much fun! I got to see Universal Studios, which was super exciting with all its rides and shows. Then, there was the Singapore Flyer, a giant wheel that showed the whole city from way up high. I wanted to try it out, but for some reason couldn’t. Sentosa Island was another highlight, especially the Sentosa Merlion Tower. Exploring Chinatown and Little India was fascinating, and I loved experiencing the busy city life and the amazing metro.

Then, a few months later, I went to Israel for a special summer program at Ben Gurion University of the Negev. That place really changed how I see things. It helped me find answers to questions I had in my mind for a long time. I even wrote a detailed story about it in my blog, so if you want to know more, you can check it out there.

And to end the year, I went to Vietnam! It wasn’t planned, but it turned out to be quite an adventure. At first, we had a bit of trouble with my card not working and finding cash. It was a bit stressful. But then, we found an ATM that finally worked! We got a lot of money and explored Ho Chi Minh City. I walked around markets, malls, towers, rivers, streets, and cities. It was all so beautiful! And on New Year’s Eve, I went to this awesome party sponsored by Tiger beer. Lots of famous singers were performing, and it was on Bui Vien Walking Street.

Reflections and Cheers to New Beginnings#

Well, that’s a wrap on my year! Can’t believe how much has happened in just 365 days. Meditation became my secret weapon, turning tough times into lessons and boosting my productivity like crazy.

Work-wise, I’ve been on fire—finished up old projects, got papers published, and rubbed elbows with some real brainiacs in my field. The whole process was as satisfying as the end results.

Then there were the trips! Singapore, Israel, Vietnam—each one brought something special. From the thrill of conferences to mind-blowing insights in Israel and an unexpected adventure in Vietnam, these places added some serious flavor to my year.

But hey, beyond the achievements and travels, it was about discovering myself through meditation. Understanding the good and not-so-good vibes inside me, growing through challenges, and finding peace in those simple, content moments.

So, here’s to a crazy year of growth, learning, and awesome adventures. Can’t wait to see what’s next in this rollercoaster ride called life!

https://imgur.com/M58PAFu Here’s to a year filled with coffee cheers and greatness!

2024 Checklist: 🚀#

  1. Level up in life and on the map.
  2. Double the zen, meditate twice a day.
  3. Stack a few bucks, boss vibes only.
  4. Network more, explore more, just what sparks joy.
  5. Dive deep into malware research, top priority.
  6. Break free from all that noise.
  7. Let’s get movin’—time for home workout.
  8. Read 25 books, drop 3 solid research papers.
  9. Complete my book—finally!
  10. Food, you’re on notice—time to take control.
2023 - A Tale of Hope
Prabith GS
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